Research finds that people with autistic disorders usually have a challenging time in the workplace. This may include changing careers more often and having poor relationships with work colleagues.

Autistic people usually have:

Difficulty following rules. Autistic people usually function better if there are rules and routines that make sense to them. We need to remember, that autistic people usually develop and strictly adhere to their own routine to get the job done. If they are put in an environment where they have to adhere to unfamiliar routines, it can be hard for them to accept and follow. This behavior is likely due to their characteristic cognitive inflexibility. Note, that if autistic people are not comfortable in their environment, they will not be able to function and this can cause them to develop anxiety.

Difficult time dealing with changes. Just like it is difficult for autistic people to follow rules it is also difficult for them to cope with changes. They become very stressed and forced to leave their job.

Difficulty with getting along with other people. Their lack of social and communication skills often makes it hard to form and maintain relationships in their work environment. They also struggle to work as a team.

Difficulty choosing a career. Autistic people also struggle with getting used to the career they've chosen. Difficulty with sensory processing ( Masking ). Autistic people are easily fatigued because of their emotional dysregulation and communication issues. Many jobs can place extra tension and pressure on employees to some extent, and this leads to exhaustion or burnout. Autistic people usually mask their autistic traits, especially in the workplace, and this can put an extra strain on them to constantly have to hide their symptoms.

Difficulty progressing. Interpersonal problems and other issues autistic people face can cause them to become frustrated and disengaged in their career which does not allow them to progress. As good as they are at their job and routine, they have a difficult time relating to people to be promoted to higher management roles. Autistic people usually like an environment where they get to think deeply and really use their brain and if this is not the case, they get bored and try to move on from the task.

How Autistic People can Function Better in their careers:

Care and Support for persons with Mental Health in the workplace. Not many companies focus on providing proper mental health support for their employees. This is sad because we need to provide basic human needs for every and if we are not doing so we are contributing to the deterioration of someone's mental health and also, we are not contributing positively to our communities.

Imagine being unemployed, with a mental disorder and no social support.

It is important for us to encourage people with autism to ask for the right type of support. Employers also need to create an environment where it is safe and easy for staff with mental health needs to ask for support. If we play our part in providing the support they need, they will be able to function in every aspect of their career and they can continue to pursue a career path that is right for them.

We would be delighted to receive your referral for a patient or someone you know who will benefit from a psychiatric evaluation and treatment.
0106907001696267602.jpgAccording to Mental Health America, over 56% of adults with mental illness receive no treatment and about 27 million people with a mental disorder are going untreated.

Let us work together to ensure our patients receive the right care and treatment they need. We will not only be contributing to a better community for all but we are also giving everyone the right to function and contribute to society normally.

Kind regards,

Sakina Mind Behavioral Health and Team

Contact Us Today!

Our mental resilience is an evolving system — constantly adapting to our circumstances and how we make use of our abilities. We thank you for your interest in our articles. And thank you for providing positive feedback about Dr. Sultana's services! We are pleased to see you are taking an interest in mental health and helping all of us.

We are located in Orlando, and we accept new patients all across the state of Florida ages 5-70 years old.

We have Telehealth and In-Office appointments available.

The insurances we accept are as follows: Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Medicare, United Healthcare, UMR, Beacon, Tricare, Sunshine, Simply Healthcare, etc.

You can also visit our website for more information: and

Research finds that people with autistic disorders usually have a challenging time in the workplace. This may include changing careers more often and having poor relationships with work colleagues.

Autistic people usually have:

Difficulty following rules. Autistic people usually function better if there are rules and routines that make sense to them. We need to remember, that autistic people usually develop and strictly adhere to their own routine to get the job done. If they are put in an environment where they have to adhere to unfamiliar routines, it can be hard for them to accept and follow. This behavior is likely due to their characteristic cognitive inflexibility. Note, that if autistic people are not comfortable in their environment, they will not be able to function and this can cause them to develop anxiety.

Difficult time dealing with changes. Just like it is difficult for autistic people to follow rules it is also difficult for them to cope with changes. They become very stressed and forced to leave their job.

Difficulty with getting along with other people. Their lack of social and communication skills often makes it hard to form and maintain relationships in their work environment. They also struggle to work as a team.

Difficulty choosing a career. Autistic people also struggle with getting used to the career they've chosen. Difficulty with sensory processing ( Masking ). Autistic people are easily fatigued because of their emotional dysregulation and communication issues. Many jobs can place extra tension and pressure on employees to some extent, and this leads to exhaustion or burnout. Autistic people usually mask their autistic traits, especially in the workplace, and this can put an extra strain on them to constantly have to hide their symptoms.

Difficulty progressing. Interpersonal problems and other issues autistic people face can cause them to become frustrated and disengaged in their career which does not allow them to progress. As good as they are at their job and routine, they have a difficult time relating to people to be promoted to higher management roles. Autistic people usually like an environment where they get to think deeply and really use their brain and if this is not the case, they get bored and try to move on from the task.

How Autistic People can Function Better in their careers:

Care and Support for persons with Mental Health in the workplace. Not many companies focus on providing proper mental health support for their employees. This is sad because we need to provide basic human needs for every and if we are not doing so we are contributing to the deterioration of someone's mental health and also, we are not contributing positively to our communities.

Imagine being unemployed, with a mental disorder and no social support.

It is important for us to encourage people with autism to ask for the right type of support. Employers also need to create an environment where it is safe and easy for staff with mental health needs to ask for support. If we play our part in providing the support they need, they will be able to function in every aspect of their career and they can continue to pursue a career path that is right for them.

We would be delighted to receive your referral for a patient or someone you know who will benefit from a psychiatric evaluation and treatment.
0106907001696267602.jpgAccording to Mental Health America, over 56% of adults with mental illness receive no treatment and about 27 million people with a mental disorder are going untreated.

Let us work together to ensure our patients receive the right care and treatment they need. We will not only be contributing to a better community for all but we are also giving everyone the right to function and contribute to society normally.

Kind regards,

Sakina Mind Behavioral Health and Team

Contact Us Today!

Our mental resilience is an evolving system — constantly adapting to our circumstances and how we make use of our abilities. We thank you for your interest in our articles. And thank you for providing positive feedback about Dr. Sultana's services! We are pleased to see you are taking an interest in mental health and helping all of us.

We are located in Orlando, and we accept new patients all across the state of Florida ages 5-70 years old.

We have Telehealth and In-Office appointments available.

The insurances we accept are as follows: Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Medicare, United Healthcare, UMR, Beacon, Tricare, Sunshine, Simply Healthcare, etc.

You can also visit our website for more information: and